Fb alpha v0.2.97.39
Fb alpha v0.2.97.39

(type "lamer" in the filter and it will show unavailable/missing sets) you can edit the filter string in the file. (it also can filter the custom translated game names) (use Thomas Bleeker's PNGlib: ) added filters in game selection dialog. added support archived preview image.(name it: snap.xx, titles.xx, flyers.xx, score.xx, select.xx, gameover.xx. added display score, select and gameover snapshot to game selection dialog. \res folder, you can replace these images with what you like. (click right mouse button on "Use preset" button) added save preset in "Map game input" dialog. (Thanks to CaptainCPS-X, FerchogtX) added set misc paths dialog and improve UI for game selection dialog. you can edit which menu style you like in the file config/fbas.ini: // New menu style, if zero-not use, 1-BASIC, 2-GRAY, 3-OFFICE, 4-OFFICE2003, 5-OFFICE2007, 6-EXTRA bMenuNewStyle 4 added select background image and select random image functions, see Misc=>UI Options(support bmp,png,jpg,gif.).

fb alpha v0.2.97.39

added image menu from MAME Plus!, see Misc=>UI Options.

fb alpha v0.2.97.39

(put it under fbas.exe or config dir) added IPS v4 support from MAME Plus!, click right mouse button on game list. or you can import game names from mamep.lst. added support translated game name list in game selection dialog. Gangta, iq_132, emufan, JAVH, bms888, netbug, CaptainCPS-X, Jimmy_Page.


added many GUI and driver changes/improvements from FBA Plus! FB Alpha Shuffle is an unofficial version based on FBA with many pointless features.

fb alpha v0.2.97.39

FB Alpha Shuffle v0.2.97.07 (6) is released.

Fb alpha v0.2.97.39